The American and Sacramento Rivers are an inviting way to cool off on a hot summer day. But they can appear deceptively calm. The confluence of the Sacramento and American Rivers near Tiscornia Park is particularly hazardous: cold water, strong currents, debris, and a deep drop-off about 30 feet from the bank. Unfortunately several people lost their lives in the area over the course of a few weeks this summer.

To better inform and educate the public about the dangers of the river, Sacramento County Regional Parks has installed three new prominent sign boards in both English and Spanish explaining and showing the dangers of wading or swimming in the area. Each new sign board is stocked with orange, adult-sized life preservers. We encourage even strong swimmers to wear them when you’re in or near the water.
We continue to provide yellow, youth-sized life preservers at each of the two “Kids Don’t Float” boards. It is against the law for children under the age of 13 to be in or near the water without wearing an age-appropriate PFD. Additionally, County Parks personnel are distributing fliers in English and Spanish to folks as they enter the park.
We want you to enjoy the Parkway and the beach, but most importantly we want you and your family members to exercise common sense and be safe.