In less than two weeks, we again will exercise our right to select who represents us at every level of government: local, state and federal. We’ll choose officeholders designated by subject area, like state insurance commissioner; by distinct political geography; and, we’ll even vote on measures involving the direct management of our tax dollars. All of it – the 2018 June Primary Election – is our opportunity to have our values manifest in who represents us and whether or not measures pass or fail, and we do it democratically by way of casting votes.
I will be on the 2018 June Primary Ballot seeking re-election to continue representing the First District on the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors. Even though I am unchallenged, I take the opportunity to be on the ballot very, very seriously. Voters deserve to know who I am and what I stand for. That is why I took the time to file a candidate statement published in the County Voter Guide/Sample Ballot to explain my position on important issues, as well as my qualifications.
As I have in the past, I strongly encourage you to carefully research candidates, their platforms and records, and to otherwise be as informed a voter as possible. It affects greatly the quality of our lives, and we should always remember how fortunate we are as individual Americans to directly determine our future by way of the ballot.
California’s 2018 June Primary Election is Tuesday, June 5. Sacramento County residents and prospective voters can learn more here.
Please remember to vote!