Get Restaurant Inspection Results on the Go!
Free smartphone apps and mobile website offer instant information about your favorite eatery
With consumer health in mind, Sacramento County’s Environmental Management Department created smartphone apps to give you the most updated restaurant inspection results while on the go. The new iPhone and Android apps display your current location with nearby retail food facilities marked on the map. The marker indicates the most recent food inspection placard result (Green, Yellow or Red, matching the placard on display at the facility), inspection date, and links to view the nearby food facilities.
Don’t have an Android or iPhone? The mobile food inspection website,, is available to anyone with a mobile device that can browse the Internet.
Smartphone apps and the website let you search by facility name with the nearest facility at the top of the list. Tapping on the marker for a specific facility pops up a balloon with the facility name, last inspection date, and links for more information. The data is refreshed once a day and is complete for all food facilities in Sacramento County. “Food Facilities” include restaurants, bars, grocery stores, convenience stores, school cafeterias and most facilities that dispense food to the public.
The free iPhone application is available in the iTunes app store and the Android app can be downloaded from the Android market by searching for ‘Sac Food.’
Visit the Environmental Management Department Mobile Web and App website for more information or call (916) 875-8440.